Cover vs. Original

I won't back down

A great song! It is written by Tom Petty, who I have always liked. The original version is very good. In this special competition though, he doesn´t stand a chance. My vote for The Man In Black!

- Jonas Lindblad, Stockholm, Sweden, 23.02.2006

Johnny Cash


Tom Petty

CD-Cover: Johnny Cash - American III: Solitary Man 61 % 39 % CD-Cover: Tom Petty - Full Moon Fever
Results of the voting: Cover versus Original
Click on the cover for listening Click on the cover for listening
Johnny Cash 3573 Votes Tom Petty

Comments about I won't back down:

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"you can't beat an original"? well in this contest, johnny cash is the fake!! heh! anyhoo, i like both versions
- w, a-dam, Netherlands, 04.12.2006
johnny cash wins hands down. you can't beat an original and you can't beat johnny cash.
- brandon dufrene, houma, United States, 17.10.2006
johnny cash wins hands down. you can't beat an original and you can't beat johnny cash.
- brandon dufrene, houma, United States, 17.10.2006
CASH RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- JOSH, barnet, United States, 12.08.2006
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