Cover vs. Original

The Power of Love

Say what you want about Celine Dion, she's got a thrilling voice on that (pre-Titanic) track. However, originally written and performed by Jennifer Rush in the mid 80s, I still go with that one. A classic track which went to No. 1 in both versions: Jennifer Rush hit the No. 1 in Europe, while Celine Dion went to No. 1 in the states.

- Chris, Cologne, Germany, 19.02.2006

Celine Dion


Jennifer Rush

CD-Cover: Celine Dion - The Colour of my Love 38.4 % 61.6 % CD-Cover: Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush
Results of the voting: Cover versus Original
Click on the cover for listening Click on the cover for listening
Celine Dion 3263 Votes Jennifer Rush

Comments about The Power of Love:

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I will always remember the original, Jennifer Rush for me
One of the best songs ever written IMHO
- Ricky, Perth, Singapore, 26.10.2006
And to think my girlfriend would have gone on crediting Celine Dion with this song. I just couldn't have it. At any rate one of these two is a sensual and sexual expressive creature and Celine just isn't…
- cranky, crankytown, Australia, 03.10.2006
is this the song from sailor moon?
- otiokyo!, las vegas, United States, 11.05.2006
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