Cover vs. Original

The Power of Love

Say what you want about Celine Dion, she's got a thrilling voice on that (pre-Titanic) track. However, originally written and performed by Jennifer Rush in the mid 80s, I still go with that one. A classic track which went to No. 1 in both versions: Jennifer Rush hit the No. 1 in Europe, while Celine Dion went to No. 1 in the states.

- Chris, Cologne, Germany, 19.02.2006

Celine Dion


Jennifer Rush

CD-Cover: Celine Dion - The Colour of my Love 38.4 % 61.6 % CD-Cover: Jennifer Rush - Jennifer Rush
Results of the voting: Cover versus Original
Click on the cover for listening Click on the cover for listening
Celine Dion 3263 Votes Jennifer Rush

Comments about The Power of Love:

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It is a shame that Celine road the wave of blantant theft to stardom with the "cover" of this song which rightfully belonged to Jennifer. There was little that was originally re-done with it with exception to guitar accompanyment and percussion. Otherwise the Jennifer Rush version is always stands out in my mind. She should have made it with this song, not Celine.
- MAC, Chicago, United States, 19.11.2007
celine dion most well-known in my country. her voice's so spectaculer. she can reach the tallest note w/out limmited.she just can be compare with mariah carey,whitney houston and shania twain.i like with her emotion, when she sing a song.she do the best with her vocal.outstanding!
- bless, medan, Indonesia, 27.10.2007
I remember this song as a kid, Jennifer sang this with real feeling that showed when she sang this live, Celine's version doesn't really match, its a good cover but lacks the same depth of feeling.
- z0m8ied0g, Liverpool, England, 02.07.2007
Jennifer Rush for sure, she has an exceptional sound quality in her voice, although the arrangement is somewhat different in the Spanish version, to me it sounds terrific as well.
The song still rocks after all those years.
- Helen, Santa Maria, United States, 30.06.2007
No question I am not a professional singer though I have an opinion as everyone has. I hands down prefere the passionate arrangement that Jennifer Rush has produced in contrast to the cuter Celine Dion version. I am always touched by the way Jennifer Rush's version is sung and Celine Dion's version had never done that.
- tom, salinas, United States, 13.05.2007
Celine Dions magnificant and powerful voice blows Jennifer away, no contest!
- Aaron Pichard, New Jersey, United States, 12.05.2007
I just don't see the talent or vocal technique in Rush's voice. Could anybody show me, please? Céline's interpretation is astonishingly complex and mindblowing. She absolutely improved the original.
- Fernando, London, England, 03.05.2007
The Power of Love, by Jennifer Rush, is one of the greatest love songs ever. The voice of Jennifer Rush combined with the Music and words made this song absolutely unforgettable.
- Doreen Collinson, Chadderton, England, 11.03.2007
I listened to both of them, and i prefer Jennifer Rush. Why? Because she sounds much more expressive, and her voice is better: clearer, sharper, stronger. Much much better than Celine Dion, who always sounds rusty and old fashioned. Booring!
- anja, Siret, Romania, 23.11.2006
I will always remember the original, Jennifer Rush for me
One of the best songs ever written IMHO
- Ricky, Perth, Singapore, 26.10.2006
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