Cover vs. Original

It's Oh So Quiet

Actually, "It's oh so quiet" it's a very old song, and Björk recorded and added it on Post, probably her best album.

- Dardo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 20.11.2005



Betty Hutton

CD-Cover: Björk - Post 50.3 % 49.7 % CD-Cover: Betty Hutton - Somebody loves me
Results of the voting: Cover versus Original
Click on the cover for listening Click on the cover for listening
Björk 1090 Votes Betty Hutton

Comments about It's Oh So Quiet:

1 2
Betty Hutton is original. Björk's is kinda scary..
Betty for the win!
- Messick, Liberty, United States, 18.05.2007
One of the most beautiful voices is bjork´s voices, and the interest for the lyrics is bigger. Im sorry betty, but bjork did it better than you.
- Ernesto, Guadalajara, Mexico, 15.04.2007
Bjork is an amazing artist... just the fact that she did this song shows her incredible range. Her music keeps my interest (that's more than I can say about a lot of bands).
- Lemon, Kennewick, United States, 12.03.2007
Hmm sometimes the original version is not the best... For this time it's the case ^^
- Kika, g, Switzerland, 22.08.2006
I don't know Who Betty Huttom is, A little before my time, But I vote for Betty rather then that freaky Icelandic Goblin.
- Al, Merseyside, England, 17.06.2006
Bjork... hands down!!!
- Jamesy, Sydney, Australia, 08.06.2006
Hah! Björk's voice is amazing, beautiful - can't beat her version (sorry Betty)
- Aron, Melbourne, Australia, 07.06.2006
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