Cover vs. Original

Forever Young

There have been many covers of Forever Young, I say this is probably the best one out there...

- Ron, Sydney, Australia, 03.05.2007

Youth Group



CD-Cover: Youth Group - Casino Twilight Dogs 35.4 % 64.6 % CD-Cover: Alphaville - Forever Young (Album)
Results of the voting: Cover versus Original
Click on the cover for listening Click on the cover for listening
Youth Group 788 Votes Alphaville

Comments about Forever Young:

1 2
Not off of offf offf Doggy
- Jackie Chun, Wangville, United States, 03.11.2010
bob dylan song it first
- dean , carter, United States, 16.07.2010
The Alphaville leadsinger seemed to force the words out, while the YG singer seemed to sing the song perfectly. Also, The Youth Group version is a lot simpler and cleaner than the Alphaville version. Also, Alphaville sounded like they were trying to force this song to be rock, Youth Group sang it beautifully!
- Jackie C, Jaytown, United States, 03.06.2010
My last friend(I realised I didn't need any friends later) told me about the Alphaville song Forever Young and I loved it. The Youth Group is okay, but not as good as the original.
- Martina, Stockholm, Sweden, 16.02.2010
I heard the Forever Young cover by Youth group a couple of years ago and really loved it. I just now found out about the original by Alphaville. I may only like the Youth Group version better because I heard it first but for me the 80's tech outdoes the beauty of the song & lyrics in the Alphaville version. Youth group's instrumentals are set in a way that makes the song more meaningful. Both versions are amazing. And "RastaFariPete" not all kids spell horribly and use obnoxious abbreviations. Try to have an open mind.
- Summer, New Haven, United States, 04.02.2010
I prefer the Alphaville original, but I actually also really like the Alphaville "unplugged" version. While I don't care for the way they arranged the piano in the second verse, the rest is about perfect and conveys a sense of loss you don't get from the 1984 original -- perhaps appropriate for those listening to it 25 years later.
- Richard, New Haven, United States, 18.01.2010
Everyone's age shows.

Older Generation: Correct spelling and grammar
New Generation: SUX... WTF. LOL...

enough said.
- RastaFariPete, Los Angeles, United States, 13.01.2010
The original by Alphaville is still the best!

That is way other performers want to cover it. :)
- Forever Young, Moonbase, Other, 08.10.2008
the classic forever young as everyone knows is the original one sung by the group Alphaville.

although the youth group arranged it like a modern sweet rock song (to better suit with the youngster?), i still prefer Alphaville's.
- Emil HD, Jakarta, Indonesia, 06.05.2008
Alphaville's version is way better than Youth Group
- Joe, Dallas, United States, 13.02.2008
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