Feeling Good
The Nina Simone version is awesome, but Muse overtops it - not only because of Matt's incredible way of singing but also by the perfect exertion of musical contrasts.
The Michael Bubblee version is a crap compared to the aboves!
- Stefan, Mannheim, Deutschland, 06.03.2006
Muse 2001 |
vs. |
Nina Simone 1964 |
Click on the cover for listening |
Click on the cover for listening |
Comments about Feeling Good:
I agree with u lovelygirl, Nina makes her voice sound like an intrument she doesn't need anything to create that image for her. for that her Version is much better
- katie, The States, United States, 06.03.2007 |
I mean no disrespect to Muse but they didn't really show me anything that no one else did , I wasn't impressed at all, The lyric of the song is beautiful and deserved to be heard Muse didnt really put any soul in the song you cant try to turn a soulful song into Rock it just doesn't work. Nina sung it with feeling, she made you feel the song through her voice, Muse Used an annoying horn to create the effects it was the most weirdest thing I ever heard I didnt feel the song I actually was feeling pretty bad!!!!
- Lovelygirl, New York, United States, 06.03.2007 |
You can't really compare the two; they're two totally different genres of music; thus, depending on preference, people can't make "objective" decisions. With that said, I voted for the Nina Simone version (which still isn't the original, but it's the most popular so whatev). Muse's version is excellent, but I found the megaphone section corny. And Nina's phrasing is stellar.
- Carrie, Washington, D.C., United States, 03.03.2007 |
Even though I voted for Muses version, I really think that they are equal.. and if I had to decide... which I did.. I would give it to Muse... Matt is amazing... and to the person who commented about muse being marketing.. I don't think so buddy, muse are an amazing band and don't rely on heavy marketing. Michael Bubblehead's version is crap.
- Daniel McCarthy, Hamilton, New Zealand, 07.02.2007 |
I like both, and to be brutally honest, even as a die-hard Muse fan, I think Nina Simone's voice has a more agreeable quality to it. Despite that, the pace and energy of the Muse version catapults it to simply another level in my eyes. Add to that the overdone intro on the original and my decision is clear.
Sorry, folks. :(
- Alex, London, England, 05.09.2006 |
K...Nina Simone is music. Muse is marketing. Let's not be stupid.
- Sean, Everywhere, United States, 08.08.2006 |
I love Muse, and their version is fantastic, but Nina Simone, with an excellent horn section, conveys more emotion than ought to be possible. Utterly entrancing, definitely the better version...
- Michael, Oxford, England, 08.05.2006 |