Cover vs. Original

Ring of Fire

The German band H-Blockx versus Johnny Cash! The original by Cash is a real classic and THE Cash-song par excellence. But the H-Blockx version has also lots of power in it. So my vote goes to the H-Blockx.

- Philip Ernszt, Kaufbeuren, Deutschland, 11.01.2009



Johnny Cash

CD-Cover: H-Blockx - More Than A Decade: Best Of H-Blockx 13.4 % 86.6 % CD-Cover: Johnny Cash - Very Best of Johnny Cash
Results of the voting: Cover versus Original
Click on the cover for listening Click on the cover for listening
H-Blockx 1928 Votes Johnny Cash

Comments about Ring of Fire:

1 2
Johnny Cash can never be beaten, he is the greatest.
- Ethan, Stillwater, United States, 09.06.2009
The Kid Named Miles reggae cover is a better version than either of these. Why doesn't that appear on the list?
- Marc, London, England, 24.04.2009
Wall of Voodoo have this cover and the original beat.
- Grimm, Stanton, United States, 05.04.2009
Johnny just can't be beaten
- reggie, Belfast, Ireland, 12.02.2009
I prefer the version by Wall of Voodoo (1980)
- me, here, Germany, 27.01.2009
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