Cover vs. Original

Comfortably Numb

Both songs are good, but the Tool version is more modern. That makes the song not better, but I like it better.

- Daniel, Darmstadt, Deutschland, 30.12.2005



Pink Floyd

CD-Cover: Tool - Salival 23.8 % 76.2 % CD-Cover: Pink Floyd - The Wall
Results of the voting: Cover versus Original
Click on the cover for listening Click on the cover for listening
Tool 1259 Votes Pink Floyd

Comments about Comfortably Numb:

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stfu Steve L & go back to sleep.
- vic, Armpit, United States, 01.07.2010
none of this matters...
- eye, lincoln, United States, 30.06.2010
For me Tool = Nirvana + Pink Floyd
- Alexis, Never Never Land, United States, 08.06.2010
The bootleg that is supposedly Tool covering CN is actually a Demo Gilmour did for the album prior to having lyrics to sing. It is not a cover. As far as Tool vs Floyd, they are not really comparable imo. They are both excellent bands and leaders of innovative and progressive rock. I would love to see what Tool would do with CN or any Floyd tune.
- Joe, Layton, United States, 19.05.2010
Tool DID cover Numb. I have it. I have heard it. There it is. They do not do it traditionally. Maynard sings notes-not words. It is a rare download. Short and sweet....More or less the band screwing around in the studio. It got recorded and leaked. Not worth comparing, but beautiful. And Steve from Massapequa: are a fucking retard.
- Rich, buffalo, United States, 11.05.2010
First of all, "Comfortably Numb" is not found on Salival. Secondly, Tool NEVER did a cover of "Comfortably Numb" anyway, so you will not find that song on ANY of Tool's works at all.
Thus said, this comparison is pointless, since one of the items in comparison does not exist.
- Travis, Tampa, United States, 22.02.2010
White people PLEASE!
The Pieces Fit" is a "Welcome to the Machine" nod (albiet bit obvious )is the source of contention with Comfortably numb song ? only a lazy Floyd Fan would get it wrong.
- Judge, Amherst, United States, 07.05.2009
Please take this off! Tool has never ever covered this song, and I doubt they would ever cover a PF song.
- SpiralOut, San Diego, United States, 22.04.2009
Lol tool has never covered that song!
- AJslems, RUTIC, Denmark, 10.03.2009
hahahahahahaha wtf u cmpring tool wid the grtst band of all time i don't think tool is anywhere near pf....
- hailfloyd, delhi, India, 13.02.2009
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