'97 Bonnie & Clyde
In 'Strange Little Girls' Tori Amos performed 12 covers originally created by men, hearing the songs from her female point of view is the point of this not so understood album.
Tori surprised a lot of her fans by this cover of Eminem's song. The two artist can't be more distinguished then one another, but in her cover for "97 Bonnie & Clyde' Tori proved once again that her female point of view can make a song's meaning different.
While Eminem's original is a rap version and "I killed you mother, and we're going to drown her together, my little girl" is an exquisite choice of words, rimes and narrative, Tori gives this terrific song a thriller touch. In her cover, the aggressive rap is turned into a frantic-crazed talk of the father to his daughter, trying to convince her nothing is wrong, while the mother is lying dead in the trunk of their car. The added violins give a 'Psycho' edge to this cover version, differentiating it from the 'f*** You' attitude Eminem has, transforming this jewel (that Eminem created in his elaborated and amazing mind) into a Masterpiece!
- Yuval Ben-Hillel, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 17.11.2005
Tori Amos 2001 |
vs. |
Eminem 1999 |
Click on the cover for listening |
Click on the cover for listening |
Comments about '97 Bonnie & Clyde:
Eminem and his song "Almost Famous" (uncensored version) shows his true colors and thoughts about people.
Tori recreated the song because she likes difficult stuff.
Now my point is: Why do they have to choose Bonnie And Clyde in the title? I'm related to them and i don't appreciate that these 2 songs are offending their name even after theyre dead. (Don't pick mushrooms from cowshit and eat them continuously ok ?)
- PARKER, Texas, United States, 13.01.2011 |
Are the Eminem fans here stupid or something? I've never even heard his version so I'm not going to pretend like I actually know - I don't really care either. But wtf is this?
"Tori is a bitch! Big fuckin bitch, you deserve to die for having ruined such a great song! And you fuckin fans don't understand anything, you can all get fucked in your asses with your idol! Fuck and DIE!!!"
What kind of person seriously says that? Are you a retard? You must be like 8 years old to have such a juvenile mindset about a SONG.
"all he did was talk about killing his wife.is that so much poison."
Ummm... yes.
- Anya, Brighton, England, 19.12.2010 |
tori says the dead woman in the trunk needs a voice well kim can speak for herself eminem has had problems with his mom and kim in the past and this isnt the only song that he has that is disturbing so people should stop talkin bout him being i crazy murderer listen to the song criminal it explains he just writes songs he doesnt mean hes gonna do it
- bob, dallas, United States, 01.07.2010 |
Everyon needs to bloody calm down. I googled 97 bonnie and clyde looking for background information on the song and this is the shit i have to read? Other fans playing tug of war with eachother?!?!? Each damn artist is unique in their own relating in style and the way they compose their music. eimenem might be a genius putting out a diary, and Tori might have been raped. SO effing what. The experiences each artist goes through gives them a unique voice. Tori does this song beautifully. Eimenem did a sic version too. Tori's was more of a relaationship between father and daughter and a gruesome murder in between. Eimenem's is full of anger towards his inner demons and oppressors. Same song. Completely different message. For all you "fans" that are clawing and spitting at each, you all could benifet from a multiartist, multigenre, and multiVERSION library so before you pass on quick judgement dont judge the song by the artist, judge it by the damn song.
- Igor Korol, Toronto, Canada, 15.06.2010 |
she wasn't giving the dead mother a voice! what?! and when did she insult Eminem? I thought that when one artist does a cover of another artist's music, that meant they were a fan. eminem and tori amos are both exceptional and unique artists but their styles are so fanastically different that comparing them is just silly.
- ED, springfield, United States, 22.05.2010 |
Tori is a bitch! Big fuckin bitch, you deserve to die for having ruined such a great song! And you fuckin fans don't understand anything, you can all get fucked in your asses with your idol!
Fuck and DIE!!!
- Females' Killer, Amityville, United States, 03.03.2010 |
Jesus was the comparison even necessary, you know that fans of specific artists are going to defend their favourites, and only fans of music will speak truthfully. I go with Amos, she made the song hers, a skill that's nearly impossible given the original artists input.
- Etcetera, Kansas, United States, 19.06.2009 |
I think both the versions are amazing Tori's is creepy as all holly hell but i love it just as much as I love the way Em did it as well im a Huge fan of Tori and I also Love pretty much every thing by Em to and each of them just did the song there way and there's nothing wrong with that there both amazing artists who each have there own style and that's just how things work. I don't think there was any insult meant by tori doing this song this song isn't the only one she did a cover to on this album and it Sher as hell isn't the only cover ever made so just get over it, yes half the time the original is better but that's not always the case and every one has the right to express there feelings I realize that but there's no cents in bashing ether song or ether artist every has different tastes in music and every artist has there way of doing things that's just the way the world works so props to both artists in there rendition of the song cuz there all amazing in one way or another.
- Jacque F., MI , United States, 18.04.2009 |
I think both the versions are amazing Tori's is creepy as all holly hell but i love it just as much as I love the way Em did it as well im a Huge fan of Tori and I also Love pretty much every thing by Em to and each of them just did the song there way and there's nothing wrong with that there both amazing artists who each have there own style and that's just how things work. I don't think there was any insult meant by tori doing this song this song isn't the only one she did a cover to on this album and it Sher as hell isn't the only cover ever made so just get over it, yes half the time the original is better but that's not always the case and every one has the right to express there feelings I realize that but there's no cents in bashing ether song or ether artist every has different tastes in music and every artist has there way of doing things that's just the way the world works so props to both artists in there rendition of the song cuz there all amazing in one way or another.
- Jacque, Fisch, MI , United States, 18.04.2009 |
Ms AMOS rules on this song. the musical composition is genial! Engaging and really thrilling voice.
- kornelious, san juan, puerto rico, United States, 07.01.2009 |