Cover vs. Original

Pictures of Matchstick Men

The Status Quo version is pretty damn good, tho.

- Nathan McGinty, Austin, United States, 08.02.2006

Camper Van Beethoven


Status Quo

CD-Cover: Camper Van Beethoven - Key Lime Pie 32.2 % 67.8 % CD-Cover: Status Quo - Picturesque Matchstickable Messages From the Quo
Results of the voting: Cover versus Original
Click on the cover for listening Click on the cover for listening
Camper Van Beethoven 245 Votes Status Quo

Comments about Pictures of Matchstick Men:

The Status Quo version is crap compared to Camper Van Beethoven's rocker
- John Tinkelenberg, Conover, United States, 21.06.2010
Camper totally rocks it. People probably aren't voting for them because they don't know who they are. But Dave Lowry (CVB, Cracker) is a great songwriter in his own right and CVB was a great band. They did the best live cover of a Grateful Dead song (Loser) I ever heard.
- WW85, NYC, United States, 28.04.2009
Camper totally rocks it. People probably aren't voting for them because they don't know who they are. But Dave Lowry (CVB, Cracker) is a great songwriter in his own right and CVB was a great band. They did the best live cover of a Grateful Dead song (Loser) I ever heard.
- WW85, NYC, United States, 28.04.2009
I heard the song on an episode of "life" and went absolutely apey trying to remember where I had heard that song before! (I like moldy oldies.) Well, thanks to Google, I found it and I must say that I am torn. They're both good in their own right. If I must choose, I'll go with Camper Van Beethoven.
- Robert Huerta, San Antonio, United States, 20.11.2007
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